We are an inclusive school and we welcome learners of all abilities and backgrounds. So our assessment is part of the ‘getting to know you’ process and helps us gauge their current levels so we can teach them well and present them with appropriately challenging work once they start with us.
TBS Assessment processes
● For prospective Foundation 1, Foundation 2, Year 1 and 2 children, parents and children meet with the class teacher(for a brief discussion). Children need to be toilet trained before starting at TBS.
● For children in Key Stage 2/3/4/5 (Years 3-13) there are two tests. A general mathematics test and a written English test for prospective Year 3 students. They are broad in scope and designed to be accessible for all regardless of prior school systems.
An additional two and half hour online Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) is sat by prospective students for Year 4 and above. This tests verbal, non-verbal, spatial and quantitative understandings. It is culturally neutral and tests general ability. There is also a short written task asking some basic questions about students’ educational history.
NB – We try to reassure children that these tests are to help us understand their thinking a little better and absolutely nothing to worry about! They give us a baseline and help guide teachers in supporting children to make progress!