Aims of the E-Safety policy
The British School Kathmandu is fully committed to online child protection. This e-safety Policy is intended to consider all current and relevant e-safety issues, in a whole school context, linking with other relevant policies, such as our Safeguarding and Child Protection, Behaviour and Anti- Bullying policies. There are three main elements to our policy:
- Prevention through the teaching and pastoral support offered to pupils.
- Procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of risky online behaviour or online abuse. Due to the nature in which technology is embedded in the day-to-day education of children, coupled with the daily contact staff have with aforementioned children, staff are therefore well placed to observe any outward signs of online abuse and risky behaviour.
- Support to pupils who may have been the victim / perpetrator of online abuse. A range of approaches, including targeted information sessions, counselling and restorative practice will be used as necessary.
Our policy applies to all staff and volunteers working in the school, as well as school governors.
Learning Support Teaching Assistants, Teaching Assistants, Ground and Administrative staff as well as teachers can be the first point of disclosure for a child. Concerned parents may also contact the presiding Head Teacher or the school governors.