Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
It feels like the perfect end to the term. The students have been increasingly engaged since their return to the campus and life is certainly returning to normal. We are all eager to start Term 2 with everyone on site on Day 1.
International Day has been a delight and it has been a sight to behold as our students and staff have celebrated the cultures and communities that make up our school. Internationalism is such a key part of our school and it is fantastic to be able to share this with each other with a special event as well as through our everyday interactions, discussions and the curriculum.
As you will have seen from my letter, we are asking that all staff and students take an antigen test in the 24 hours before returning to the campus. Please share the results here. If you are planning to travel overseas during the break, we are also asking you to take additional tests. If your child is planning to travel abroad over the break, please complete this brief form to notify us before they leave. We will then contact you to discuss the testing dates.
We recommend that you exercise caution over the break. Social distancing may be more difficult during times of festivities so please remain alert and actively take measures to protect yourself and others. Avoid crowds, wear your masks and hand-sanitise regularly. If you are in any doubt about potential symptoms, seek medical advice as soon as possible.
We are looking at the question of optional school uniform and would like some parents, students and staff to participate in a working party to discuss this. If you are interested in participating, please add your contact details here.
Have a wonderful break and happy Dashain!