Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
It has been very reassuring to see so many of our students back in good spirits, either in person or online after the break. I hope that you all enjoyed the holidays and were able to spend some time together as a family. Thank you very much for carrying out the antigen tests at the start of term, they were very useful in identifying some asymptomatic cases and therefore reducing the risk to the school community.
As you are aware, COVID-19 cases are rising and it is important that our school community takes the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe while also meeting our students’ educational and wellbeing needs. Please do keep us informed of any potential cases in the school community as soon as possible, as this information is vital for our contact tracing.
This week we were able to support our students aged 12 and above with the administration of the Pfizer vaccine. This is a real boost to keeping our school community safe in these challenging times. Please ensure that you have access to antigen tests at home, in case you or your children are identified as a close contact. If you require support in obtaining these, we can sell them to you in school.
We are finalising the whole school plans for next week and you will receive a letter from me shortly with details for your specific year group. This will need to be adapted if the guidance changes.