Dear Parents/Carers, Staff and Students,
The team here at TBS have been carrying out the final checks on the 23-24 yearbook. It is always such a time of pride and achievement when I review the draft copy and can see everything that we have achieved over the year. With only two weeks of school remaining, we still have plenty more to look forward to and a busy fortnight to round off this term.
As we prepare for next academic year we want to make sure that all of our records are correct. If you have changed your phone numbers or email addresses in the last 12 months, please contact the school ( and help us to update our records. In addition to this, if your child’s medical records need updating, please let the school nurse ( know.
As you will see from the article below, we are always keen to keep in touch with our former students. If you (or any alumni that you know) have not done so already please ensure that our Admissions Team ( has your contact details so we can keep you informed of alumni events.
On behalf of the whole staff, I would like to say a big thank you to the OWLS and all the parents and carers who contributed to the after school treats served on Monday during Staff Appreciation.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.