On Tuesday, Ms Wong and the Leading Linguists made a hugely successful Mooncake Charity Sale in both primary and secondary. Two hundred mooncakes were all sold out way before the end of lunchtime, and we raised Rs. 38520 for our community partner schools! What a great outcome! The funds we raised are going to support the local students in Nepal to improve their education and livelihood. A huge thanks to all of you who supported the event, including parents, teachers and students. The event could not have been held successfully without you. Hope everyone enjoyed the mooncakes and shared them with your loved ones! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone!
The Leading Linguists Charity Sale Team:
Y8 – Mateo, William, Siying, Ashish
Y9 – Kashvi
Y10 – Dia, Sahara, Soniva, Sivani, Xiang
Y12 – Yang
A special mention goes to Ms Wong’s Y9 and Y10 Mandarin classes which helped set up the mooncakes stalls. Well done!
All of our secondary students have a one hour PSHE (personal, social and health education) lesson each week. Our PSHE curriculum provides our students with the opportunity to develop the values and morals we believe will help them thrive in an ever-changing world.
As Year 7 transitions into Secondary school at TBS, they start to delve into more thought provoking topics within PSHE. To aid with their transition this term, the first few weeks have been to help them get organised and ready for the school day ahead. They have had the opportunity to break down their student timetables, orienteer around the school and understand correct etiquette when writing formal emails. In addition to this, they have started to understand how to research specific topics and discuss whether everything that you read online is always true.
Year 8 and Year 9 are continuing and extending their studies from last year. This means they are getting the chance to develop the different ideas they already had from the previous year and learn the ability to question whether this is what they truly believe in. Year 8 have had the chance to look into different choices and pathways they may have as they move through their schooling and into the wider world. The students had the chance to research into a specific ‘dream’ job and try to work out which pathways they would have to take to get there. They have also delved into the subject of building resilience and why this is an important skill that will go with them through life.
Moreover, Year 9 have been looking further into choices and pathways. Instead of focussing on jobs that they may target at the end of their schooling, they have instead been looking at the GCSE options that are available to them at the end of Year 9. They have discussed the importance of making the choices that will help them to get to where they want to be and to help facilitate their interests in different subjects.
Our KS4 students are currently covering the topic ‘Living in the working world’ which is all about goal setting and career choices and pathways beyond GCSEs.
In Key Stage 5 this term, the PSHE curriculum has been focused on students’ next steps. All students have set themselves targets for the year and have been thinking about what might come next. In Year 12, students have been looking at careers and higher education, and are starting to think about what work experience they may need in order to be able to get to wherever they want to go. In Year 13 they have been focusing on employment rights and responsibilities and budgeting. Both skills of these will be vitally important as students progress to university.
Please do talk to your children about what they are studying in PSHE at home to further support their development.