Dear students and parents,
Our students continue to adapt so well to the ‘new normal’ of campus learning and the restrictions we are currently operating under. Their tolerance, adherence, good humour and focus can only be matched by their teachers and our staff who are also working tremendously hard to ensure we have a safe, happy and learning focused campus. Thank you to all of the parents that continue to support us and are re-enforcing these good habits at home and providing constructive feedback to the school. I hope those parents in Primary and Years 7-10 found the consultations useful this week and that the three way partnerships are working well to identify areas of excellence and development. Our Primary students also embarked on their second block of Maths assessments this week which will provide more evidence to help guide your children on their learning journey.
We are conscious about the amount of communications parents are receiving from school at the moment but ask you to bear with us as we are constantly responding and refining our provision. There are some slight changes to the primary timetables, which include PE lessons, due to our move to Phase 2 next week, and also some updates on exams and online provision in Secondary: please check your email inbox!
We are very excited about seeing our primary students on campus full time next week, which will create more pressure and congestion during drop off and pick up time, so please adhere to our guidelines and instruction from guards. Can I also remind all parents/guardians to ensure they have their school ID badge to ensure we can ensure the pickups, especially for our younger children, are quick, safe and smooth.
I will be writing to all parents next week regarding our roadmap for the transition from Phase 2 to Phase 1. This will be followed by a zoom meeting at the start of Term 4.
Have a lovely weekend.