Dear students and parents,
Thank you to those parents that joined our AGM presentation meeting on Sunday; It was lovely to see so many familiar faces. If you were unable to make the meeting, a recording can be found here. As mentioned, we are planning and hoping to return to campus learning on Monday 16th August if we are permitted to do so and the COVID numbers are at ‘manageable’ levels. We will provide an update on this by the 20th July and provide updates every fortnight, if necessary, so please keep an eye on your email inbox.
The school library will be open during the holidays so if you would like to replenish your child’s reading, please book a slot using the appropriate form below:
As we reach the final week of the term and academic year, our students continue to be focused and although a little tired, full of their usual enthusiasm and optimism. There have been lots of transition activities in Primary this week where students have met their new teachers and have been reflecting on the transferable skills that have been refined during IPC lessons. In Secondary, we had our first ever ‘Student Leaders Day’ organised by our Head Prefects, providing the opportunity to engage in fun and friendly competition focusing on art, trick shots and masterchef!
We will be celebrating our students’ many achievements during our end of year assembly tomorrow: it will be shown to all students at 11:00 am so please do join them at their computers!
I have been conducting exit interviews with our leaving staff over the past few weeks and the overwhelming and recurring sentiment is one of ‘community’, when I ask what they have enjoyed and appreciated the most whilst working at TBS. Comments such as “our students are the most compassionate and kind human beings I have come across”; “it has been such a pleasure to work with like minded colleagues who genuinely care about education and young people”; “I have continually felt valued by students, parents and colleagues”. Community is certainly something all schools value and TBS is so very fortunate to have built up such a supportive, thoughtful and ambitious community ethos. It is impossible to reach consensus on anything within any community, but it is our shared values which definitely emphasises and cements what binds us together as we all work together to provide the very best caring and learning environment we can. I am immensely proud to have been part of this very special community for the past 3 years and will always remember and value the kindness that exemplifies our TBS community.
Have a lovely summer and all of the very best for the new academic year.