Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
It is a little sad that we have now come to the end of the academic year. Thank you to all the families who have supported us and who have worked in partnership with TBS to make the most of the opportunities that we have provided for your children.
Last weekend we held an extremely successful Community Conference. Community partners from 45 schools from all over the region attend workshops run by our staff on topics such as Problem Solving in Maths, Educational Leadership, Supporting Students with Dyslexia and Feedback/Marking. It is always a pleasure to work alongside the staff of local schools and facilitate shared learning experiences. Thank you to our staff who organised this, welcomed our partners and ran sessions.
One Friday, we held our Graduation Ceremony for our departing Y13 students. It was a wonderful evening and we are very proud to celebrate with our families as the students leave TBS and move on to the next stages of their educational journey.
We have begun preparations for next year and are building our school development plan. This will involve improving the facilities to make them more accessible, strengthening our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion plan, developing our middle leaders and building our alternative academic pathways for students.
Our school has a number of outstanding staff members who work very hard to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Our grounds staff, admin teams, housekeeping, security guards, ICT team, teachers, CLS Teams and support staff all work extremely hard and I would like to express my sincere thanks for all that they do. I would particularly like to thank our school governors for the important role that they have played this year. Their dedication to school development is remarkable and the many many hours of work that they put into our community really comes from the heart and is all completely unpaid.
As we come to the end of the academic year, I would like to wish our departing staff and students the very best. Thanks to you for all that you have done for our school. We particularly wish Mr Rohan Jayatilake well as he takes up the post of Head of Secondary in his new school in Australia.