Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
Time flies when you are having fun and this week has flown by at TBS. The students have had a superb week of learning. It has especially been a joy to see the social elements of school all around us on the campus. The younger children are enjoying running around and playing energetically with both old friends and new alike. The older students do less running and skipping that is for sure, but seeing them together having lunch and break with friends and spending less time on screens is truly good to see.
Please note that although we are not a nut-free school, we have some children with nut allergies. For this reason we do encourage children not to share food. Please do remind your children of this.
We are still collecting forms for our COVID Vaccination survey and, from the few results we have at the moment, almost all adults in households so far are vaccinated. However, in order for us to have reliable data to base decisions on, I do encourage you all to complete the survey.
As the vast majority of the children are now in Kathmandu, we will be reducing our online teaching in Term 2. We will of course retain the facility to move swiftly online temporarily should we need to.
Have a wonderful weekend!