Dear Students and Parents,
There are few things more exciting for a teacher than starting a new academic year. If you are also starting a new school that excitement is even more electrifying. I would especially like to welcome the new staff, children and parents to the school. I am sure that it has been reassuring to begin the new school year for the first time at TBS, particularly after some of the difficult journeys that some of you have had to get here.
It has been a pleasure to have seen how well the new school year has started here at TBS. The children, staff members and parents have been very eager to get back into school life and it has been wonderful to see everyone after the summer break. The highlight of the week so far has been seeing the children and young people on site, collecting their resources and meeting their teachers and mentors. They have brought the school premises alive again and we are working hard to ensure that we can see more of them over the coming weeks when it is appropriate.
This week we also had a visit from HE Nicola Pollitt, the UK Ambassador to Nepal. It is wonderful to see that the school and Embassy continue to have such a positive relationship which we hope to build on in the months and years to come.
I would like to extend a special thank you to those staff in new roles who have worked hard preparing for the start of term. This includes Pauline Gradden who many of you already know and is now the whole school Vice Principal, Rohan Jayatilake from our Secondary department who has moved to the Deputy Head of Secondary position and Sally Moulds who is new to the school and is our Deputy Head of Primary.
Please have a lovely weekend and stay safe.