Dear students and parents,
Thank you to the many parents that joined us on Monday as we outlined our risk assessment and guidelines, our rationale for decisions made, and to be made, including our plans for the next month. If you were unable to attend, the presentation can be found here and the recording here. We will continue to refine our provision based on student, teacher and parent feedback, but if any parent requires an individual meeting regarding the individual provision for your child, please contact Mr. Leahy, Ms. Gradden or myself directly.
It has been an absolute delight to welcome students onto site this week, as we embarked on Phase 3.5, with Mock examinations, Early Years and PE lessons. Schools are slightly depressing places without students and our campus has certainly been energised this week with many of our young people eager to see their friends and teachers, and focused on doing their very best, especially in regard to their exams. I am astounded at how well all of our students have responded to the guidelines put into place, and although their experience of school is different and restrictive, they have understood and ‘got on with it’, with the minimum amount of fuss: they really are, hugely impressive.
I end this week, with a huge smile on my face and an enormous amount of gratitude to our students, our parents and of course, our staff, who have worked tremendously hard to ensure our entry in Phase 3.5 has initially been so successful. Of course, it has only been successful for the past two days and much will depend on not only how we interact and behave on campus, but when we are outside of the campus. As a community, we are effectively one big ‘bubble’ and our individual actions will potentially have an impact not only on our immediate family and friends, but the whole school community. It is vital, therefore, that we each take personal responsibility and ensure we follow all COVID safety guidelines and ensure we limit the amount of interactions we have with family, friends and those people outside of our immediate ‘bubble’. It is even more vital that if anyone in your household exhibits symptoms of COVID, that you notify the school immediately, so that we can carry out our own contact tracing procedure and offer support and guidance. I will be writing to all parents next week, with an update on our risk assessment and guidelines based on the aforementioned feedback, along with a progress report on our Phase 3.5 provision and details of what we are able to offer going forward.
Learning is, of course, still occurring, largely at home, and it has been wonderful seeing work on poetry, Picasso, Jenner, volcanoes, SMART goals, flooding, dealing with change, thermoregulation, stage design, favelas and the sinister music of Mussorksky. Keep on reading to discover more!
Have a lovely weekend, please stay safe and I look forward to seeing more students on campus next week.