It was wonderful to be able to celebrate our GCSE and AS Level Awards in person, to come together to celebrate students’ achievements with their families. Thank you to HE Nicola Pollitt, UK Ambassador, for giving such an inspiring keynote speech and for presenting the GCSE certificates. For the students who sat in the hall 2 years ago, watching students who have now graduated receive their AS certificates, they couldn’t have imagined that they’d be completing their own GCSEs and AS Levels in the midst of a global pandemic. Even with this to deal with our students excelled. They got through a challenging time and were able to continue on their educational journey, showing courage and resilience.
As a school we are very proud of our students’ achievements. Not only of the A and A* grades and the 90%+ of students who exceeded their target grades, but also of the growth and learning that they have shown in many other areas of their lives. This is why we have such pleasure in celebrating our students’ achievements and have true appreciation for what they have accomplished.
At the events, we presented students with their exam certificates, the subject awards and our 5C Awards. The 5C Awards represent the ethos of our school and highlight what it means to be a student at TBS.
Challenge: The challenge award celebrates a student who has been willing to take risks and has also inspired others to do the same. They have pushed the boundaries of their perceived capabilities to achieve their own personal excellence. Our recipients of the Challenge Award were Ishan Gurung (Y12) and Shloka Rajbhandary (Y13).
Compassion: The compassion award celebrates a student who was empathetic, considerate and kind. They nurtured a warm and welcoming environment where others felt safe, included and their individuality embraced. Our recipients of the Compassion Award were Shastraveer Thapa (Y12) and Ishika Bhansali (Y13).
Confidence: The confidence award celebrates a student who was an assured communicator, someone who was able to appropriately express their ideas, opinions and individuality with integrity. Their confidence created an inclusive environment where individual differences were celebrated proudly. Our recipients of the Confidence Award were Meghna Lahiri (Y12) and Ohjun Kwon (Y13).
Creativity: The creativity award celebrates a student who pursued their artistic passions and pursuits in all avenues of their learning. They encouraged others to develop their imagination and inspired inventiveness and innovation in their peers. Our recipients of the Creativity Award were Abayaa Afful (Y12) and Jinny Eo (Y13).
Community: The community award celebrates a student who has had a positive impact on the local and global community. They have a mature awareness of local and global issues and acts upon their responsibility to care for others. More importantly, this student remained an outstanding role model for others, despite the significant challenges they faced. Our recipients of the Community Award were Prarabdha Sijapati (Y12) and Devansh Agrawal (Y13).