Welcome back to all of our students and staff who have been away on expeditions this week. I have been especially pleased to hear about all of the adventurous activities that they have participated in, as well as the shared work alongside our community partners. Occasions like this are so special and it is where lifelong friendships are cemented. We are very proud of you all.
If you have not yet had an opportunity to read the full report from our recent inspection, it can be found here. The report highlights that
“The British School in Kathmandu offers an outstanding education to the pupils and families that it serves. The curriculum offered is broad and inspiring, teaching is consistently good across the school and as a result pupils enjoy school, learn well, and thrive. The school also extends its influence through outreach community work in the locality. The vision of the school, to develop young people who strive for excellence and are kind through a focus on challenge, creativity, confidence, compassion, and community, is embedded in the ethos of the school.”
Enjoy a lovely weekend.