ICT has become even more relevant and important this year because of our continuous learning. It has been beyond amazing watching how the Primary children, through all year groups, have adapted to working online. The children have been using ICT in so many creative ways both for specific ICT lessons but also to present their incredible learning from other subjects.
Our youngest children in foundation have been using ICT to solve maths problems. Here Adira is learning to add two groups together to find the total. Adira played the adding games on her iPad and was proud to find the total and the correct answer.

In Year 2’s ICT based Media Magic topic the children looked at algorithms, debugging, programming and coding. They began by doing an ‘unplugged’ activity where they had to become a robot and create instructions (an algorithm) to get them to something in their home. They then had to ‘debug’ any problems. Click to see Araya or Muntaqim being directed with the instructions they wrote.

Later in the topic the children looked at coding simple programmes using Hour Of Code and did an amazing job using Minecraft and Dance Party, have a look at the videos below! Have a look at Avigya’s great Dance party coding.
Finally, they showed off everything they had learned in a presentation, created however they wanted to using a choice of ICT software. watch Valarie’s amazing explanation of what she’s learned!
In Year 3 they have also been using code in their daily Possibilities, take a look at this amazing code Chaarvica in 3S created to make her own dice randomiser that her classmates could use.
Year 3 have also been using an online mind mapping software to show their thoughts and ideas on how we can reduce our plastic consumption.

Year 4 have been tasked with creating simple games using code, they had to first decide what the features of their game will be and then have a go at creating. Below you can see Binmara’s football game, Yash’s store and Shaurya’s ‘glitch dash’ games come to life.

Year 5 has been learning about identity through art, and the way belonging can be represented through artistic mediums. They created collages of Nepal using different online collage creators and experimented with these different softwares before creating a final piece using their amazing ICT skills.

Continuing on into secondary school, we have been looking at not just the application of ICT in the classroom, but also how we address some of the wider issues associated with being a young person in the digital age! Also, as we approach the end of term, now would be a great time to look back over the year and celebrate the success of our students!
In KS3, our main focus was re-enforcing the E-Safety message that primary expertly delivers throughout KS1 & 2. This was particularly important for our Y7’s as it is the first time many of our students get access to their own internet ready device. Below are some excellent examples of the work they have produced!

Another important aspect of being a digital citizen in our modern world is the ability to convey information clearly and concisely on the internet. So, with this aim in mind, we spent some time looking at different website designs on the internet and learning to distinguish between good website design and bad website design. We then took those lessons learned and applied them to our very own websites which we built in class. Some good examples from Y7 and Y8 can be found below.

Key stage 4
Over the last week and half the year 10 Business students have been working on completing their Enterprise and Marketing Project. Students were given a scenario about an ‘On the Go snack’ company (OTG Snacks) to help them expand their range. Students were tasked with developing a new cookie product to add to the range of sweet snacks they already offered.
Students have already completed the market research stage one and two and had to create questionnaires and complete interviews in order to better understand the market in which this product would be sold in.
This week students have been working on creating a customer profile for the customers who they think would purchase this cookie product and have started the product development process by designing 4 different types of cookies.
All students have done a fantastic job.
Check out some of their great work below from both classes.
Hardik – BS2 |
Aadil – BS2 |
Nimisha – BS2 |
Daniel – BS1 |
Ojaswi – BS1 |
Nirvan – BS1 |
Key Stage 5 have been revising hard for their upcoming (then cancelled) exams, however they still managed to impress with some amazing Python Code! In particular, I would like to highlight this “Treasure Hunt” game that one of the Y12’s created. The code used to programme this was well written and efficient, and I was particularly impressed with the changes of font color! Not an easy feat in python!