Dear students and parents,
It certainly seems that the gorgeous spring weather in Nepal has now arrived and we can look forward to a glorious couple of months. With the return to campus continuing to be successful, we will be moving to full days for our Primary students next week on Monday and Tuesday for A groups or Thursday and Friday for B groups. Early years students will be in full time throughout the week. We will be basing our decision to dismantle the A and B groups (and move to 5 full days) on the experience next week, especially the movement around break and lunch times. Please see Mr. Leahy’s letter from yesterday for further details. With the Secondary School effectively now in Phase 2, we are looking at what other elements of our provision we can safely reintroduce; again this will be based on weekly evaluations.
Book Week has been such fun with some amazing costumes, masks, photos and (virtual) authors visits. There are some details below and more will be provided in next week’s newsletter. We have received some outstanding applications for our Sixth Form Scholarship Programme and I am looking forward to meeting our short-listed applicants next week. We continue to be speaking with the examination boards, especially Cambridge, with regard to the format for IGCSE, AS and Alevel examinations and teacher assessed grades; this is proving particularly difficult as we are yet to receive assurances that will put our students’ interest first. Ms. Gradden will be updating all Year 11, 12 and 13 students and parents in the coming weeks.
Thank you to the parents and drivers who are making drop off a much smoother and stress free experience for everybody involved. Pick up is proving a bit more problematic; please keep to the staggered pick up times, avoid parking (unless absolutely necessary) and use the same pick up system that works so well in the morning.
Have a lovely weekend.