Welcome back to school and Term 2. I hope everyone had a relaxing Dashain break and managed to spend time away from screens and with family and friends. I am excited to see what will happen this term. I am confident that KS4 students will continue to work hard and produce some excellent work. As you will know, all KS4 have now had their Term 1 reports. If you have not already, please take some time to go through their reports. Students will be working closely with their mentors in the next few weeks, using their teachers’ feedback to set some academic targets. All students will be setting two academic and one personal target. It is vital that all students set SMART targets as Year 11 are still scheduled to have their mock examinations in Term 3. On that note, it is also imperative that Year 11 have a revision schedule and are actively revising for all their subjects. Perhaps more than any other year, mock examinations could be crucial!
Despite it only being the first week back, students have been working hard and there has been some exciting learning, both inside and outside of the classroom.
Qatar Leadership Conference
With Ms. Eudes overseeing our school participants, a number of KS4 and KS5 students have been participating in the Qatar Leadership Conference this week. More details about the conference can be found here and in this video presentation.
There have been many issues and topics discussed covering a wide array of current world issues from politics to environmental. Miss Eudes has said there was some amazing leadership and management training on Thursday evening and it was so good that Meghna could now probably run the school!
Here is a selection of quotes from KS4 about the various debates and topics that were discussed:
“Ayan was talking about ‘Bypassing glass ceilings’ which means breaking past this barrier that society puts on women especially, to ‘fit in’. She focuses a lot on the acceptance of people from diverse backgrounds, Women’s empowerment and Self-Acceptance.”
“Our ideas don’t have to be spread world wide, we can use it in our own backyard and make a difference. I look forward to starting this initiative in our school and in my community. I can easily think of ways to make beautiful artwork from these eco bricks to decorate our school compound.”
“Trying to avoid internalised sexism and embrace the fact that I am girl”
In PE, KS4 students have been completing Golf challenges. Can you name all the items? Answers at the end!
Meanwhile in English, Year 11 have been studying and staging the famous gulling scene from Twelfth Night. We’d love to see these versions on stage for real!

While in Spanish, Year 11 students have been reading texts written by a peer and saying one thing they want to add to their practice.
And in Geography, Year 10 has started a new topic on Migration. Undoubtedly, the events of this year will have had numerous impacts on much migration around the world, and students will be considering this in coming weeks. This week, they have been thinking about push and pull factors as to why people do migrate.
Year 11 Geographers have been looking at tourism in Nepal and some of the pros and cons of that. Again, tourism has been severely impacted by events this year, and these impacts have been discussed. We’re all loving the new Jamboard feature on Google Meet!

Golf challenge answers: How many did you get correct?

Student of the week for the last week of term 1 was Shaswat in Year 11, who has impressed many of his teachers with his amazing work ethic since starting Year 11. He has often gone above and beyond what has been asked of him, and done extra research to help inform his classmates in various subjects. Well done, Shaswat and keep up the amazing work.
Here is what Shaswat has to say: I have had a very fun time learning online from home this year. I personally think that online learning is more efficient for me as I have worked a lot harder and managed everything. Despite my hobby being playing video games, I have learned how to manage my time better since these online lessons have started. I would also like to thank my friends and teachers for helping me with the work that I missed and/ or ones which I didn’t understand.
“My advice would be to manage time properly and ask teachers or friends about anything that you don’t understand.” This might not be motivating, but I would tell you all to enjoy and follow your hobbies and what you are passionate about.