Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
I hope that you all enjoyed colourful and vibrant Holi celebrations this week. It was a day of exuberance and joy as well as being a time to celebrate the triumph of good over evil with a meaningful message for us all.
Ms Williams and I were very proud to represent TBS at the Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards today. They celebrate last year’s exams from the Cambridge Exam board. Our fabulous students, last year’s Y12 and Y13, won a total of 10 awards, 4 of which were Top in Nepal for their subject area. Congratulations to you all for excelling in your exams!
This week we celebrated Mother Language Day and it was a real pleasure to see our students, staff and parents sharing their home languages with each other. Our students were able to learn for their friends as well as demonstrate their pride in their own language.
I am looking forward to seeing secondary students and parents tomorrow at our Secondary Sports Day. I am sure that it will be an exciting day of activity and I look forward to seeing many of you on the podium.