We usually have a vibrant and varied programme consisting of around 65-70 clubs for primary students and 50-55 clubs for secondary students each term. We do replace some of those clubs depending on demand. Also, some sports clubs are seasonal like swimming. Clubs are reviewed on a regular basis and we do reassess before the next block is published.
At the start of the academic year we do not have clubs for 2 weeks as we need that time to have all the teachers give their options and time for sign up. Thereafter, each term we do not run clubs in the first week and the last week of each term.
Clubs and Activities at TBS are voluntary and children should be taking them for additional challenge, social interaction and fun. They enable our learners to experience a wide range of activities which will help them grow into well-rounded, happy individuals. We are very happy to open up new clubs or additional sessions of existing clubs wherever possible to meet the interests of our learners. TBS expectations for commitment, behaviour and attendance are the same during club times as they are during the rest of the day and all our coaches, teachers, and club leaders will expect the highest standards of behaviour. However, the voluntary aspect is important if students are to get the most from these sessions. It is also important that club choice is made by the children/students as far as possible rather than by parents. Each term all our clubs information will be on our webpage.
We encourage full attendance at clubs once they are selected. As we do hire external coaches, it is a waste of money if children sign up without meaning to attend. Those who do not attend regularly without a valid reason will be removed from that club list (if they miss 3 sessions) and the place given to a student on the waiting list. Organizing the club’s system is a huge task and would not continue to run so well without the support of all parents. We appreciate this and we are always open to any feedback.
We believe the range and variety of clubs and activities we offer rivals any school in the world but we want to keep getting better. If there is anything else we could clarify please do let us know and if you do have suggestions we would welcome them and we will do our very best to put them into action.
Thank you to all parents for suggestions and support!