From recent events, including the great attendance at our Parent Information Sessions and our Parent Forum, it seems there may be renewed interest in engaging more in our OWLS Parent Association. Of course, every parent is an OWL, however we would be thrilled to have a team of individuals engaging at a more focussed level and we are happy to help facilitate this. We invite interested parents and carers to meet with us. Please complete this form if you are interested and, if you can, come to our OWL Parent Association session on Wednesday February 8th at 8am.
There are a number of ways that parents and carers can communicate with school. We are always very happy to hear from you and to have respectful conversations. A list of useful contacts is always published each week at the bottom of the Yeti News. If you are not sure how to get your message to the school, please check the information below:
If your child will be absent from school:
If you have an academic issue to discuss regarding your child: please contact your child’s classteacher (Primary section) or subject teacher (Secondary Section)
If you have a social issue to discuss regarding your child: please contact your child’s classteacher (Primary section) or mentor (Secondary Section)
For individual health concerns:
To discuss a wellbeing, mental health or counselling issue (Sasha Kydd):
For governance related issues including governance/parent liaison:
To discuss a more sensitive individual issue:
Primary Assistant Head for Early Years and KS1 (Rianne Wiggers):
Primary Assistant Head for KS2 (Alex Yates):
Secondary Assistant Head for Academics (Cathy Williams):
Secondary Assistant Head for Pastoral (Brian Orr):
To discuss broader issues relating to Primary (Sally Moulds, Deputy Head)
To discuss broader issues relating to Secondary (Jessica Barnecutt, Deputy Head)
For whole school issues including policy, staffing and school development (Caro Drumm, Principal)
Please note that the term dates for next academic year are as follows, but may be subject to minor changes once official Nepali holidays are announced:
I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing many of you at our curriculum day tomorrow.