Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
Welcome back! Our staff are very excited to be back following the break and have been busy all this week preparing for the children to return on Monday. As well as seeing some of the old familiar faces, we will be welcoming new students to our school and we look forward to them joining our school community.
Staff are very excited for the start of the new school year and our teachers are eager to see you all again on Monday. We have held a number of training sessions for staff over the last few days to ensure that they have an up-to-date knowledge of the latest best practice in many areas, including safeguarding, health and safety and provision for students with a wide range of needs.
There have been a number of improvements to the school site over the break and we will be sharing some photos of these next week. These include new classrooms and changing facilities which we know your children will enjoy and will enhance their learning experiences at TBS.
There is detailed information about our updated COVID policy below. Please log your child’s weekly antigen test result here before they come to school on Monday. If they have been overseas in the last 5 days, we also ask that they complete another test on their fifth day back in Nepal as many cases have been noted following travel.
Following the exams last term, students have begun to receive the results. There have been some outstanding results and our students and teachers are very proud of their achievements. More details can be found in the secondary section below.
As always, we want to work together with parents to ensure that your children have a successful year at TBS, academically, pastorally and socially. Please do contact us if there is anything that you wish to discuss and if we can further support you in any way.