Welcome back to school and to the start of Term 3. I hope everyone had a wonderful break and managed to spend some quality time with family, and maybe even a few friends.
This week has seen the return to school of a handful of Year 11 students who have been sitting their Art mock examination. It has been lovely to have some students back on campus: the first in almost 10 months! With the Art mock examination now underway, we are all getting ready for the rest of the mock examinations to begin in earnest. Much planning has been done for this, and students have been shared information this week about the guidelines and procedures that have been set up to enable the mock examinations to be run safely on campus. Here is the link for the mock examinations timetable. It is important that students know when their exams are. Please spend some time with your son or daughter to ensure they know when their exams will be. Oral exams for languages begin next Monday 18th January and the written examinations begin on Thursday 21st January. Once the mock examinations begin for year 11 students next Thursday (21st January), they will not be required to attend registration or any lessons until Monday 1st February.
Following on from this, all year 11 students have been asked to complete this Google Form. Please could you check that your son/daughter has done this. It is an important document as it will help school to plan appropriately sized spaces for students who will need to stay on campus between examinations. The presentation for the mock examination rules and regulations can be found here. Again, if you have a child in Year 11, please can you spend some time going through these rules and regulations. While I understand that there are many ‘extra’ rules and regulations that have been put in place this year, we must be well planned and prepared to ensure the safety of everyone in the TBS community. Your support in helping this be assured as much as possible is appreciated.
Continuing on with the mock examinations, for various reasons, some students will be completing their exams online. If students are sitting their exams online and in Nepal, given the season and the likelihood of more frequent power cuts, and the always ever-present unreliable nature of a stable internet connection, it is recommended that students have a good data package to help ensure that power cuts and unstable internet connections do not interfere with their ability to complete their mock examinations in the time given. To this end, NCell currently has a good deal: Get 20 GB e-learning data and more on Student Plan for online classes! Dial*17123# or visit https://buy.ncell.axiata.com to buy at Rs.319.23 and get 20GB data for ZOOM, Google Meet, YouTube & Teams, 2GB 4Gdata, 1GB 3G data, 120min daily talktime for 30 days within Closed User Group, 50 min talktime and more.
Many of our year 11 students may not have been on campus for a significant period of time, and I would thoroughly recommend that, wherever possible, year 11 students book a timeslot for the Library (see earlier for the booking link) prior to mock examinations to ensure that the first time they are coming onto the school campus after an extended period, is not the day of a mock examination. Being back on campus may raise a few surprising emotions, and it would be better to perhaps not have these emotions on a day of an exam!
Staying with the theme of examinations (I promise this is the last mention of examinations for this week!), CAIE have released a few updates in the past week stating that the May/June examination series will run as planned. As such, it is vitally important that all year 11 students do their best in the mock examinations. As a school, we are keeping abreast of all CAIE updates, and will, of course, keep all stakeholders fully informed.
Moving onto something much more fun, Year 10 Music students have been working on ‘Blob Opera’. If you would like to give it a go, more information about Blob Opera can be found here. Krrish, Yang and Aryan have been working on their ‘Blob operas’. Here is Yang’s, and Miss Wynn says of all the boys: “The Blob Opera they have created to explore common features of opera shows great musicality. This shows a great start to the new term and new year!
While it may only be the first week back, positive teacher comments have not been short in supply!
In Psychology, Mr Piaf says that Meghna in year 11 has made an outstanding contribution, coupled with self-awareness, in lessons. Added to these, she also has a wonderful sense of humour! While in French, Malte, Aryan Erin, Niyanta, Yang and Anton in year 10 have made wonderful documentaries about their houses written and commented in French.
Miss Howell has said that Tisha, Pratistha, Suyog and Meghna, all in year 11, did fantastic exam analyses in their independent Physics lesson. They marked other candidate’s responses and obtained thoughtful insights into the examiners’ reports for each question.
This week’s student of the week (for the last week of last term) is Anton.
Anton has received much praise from many of his teachers for both the level of effort and the quality of his work. Despite being in a different timezone, Anton has done an amazing job at making sure he has kept up-to-date with all of his studies. Well done, Anton!
Here is what Anton has to say:
At school I have been enjoying the creative and varied tasks set by my teachers. We often receive very unique and informative activities. After a very unique and challenging year, both academically and socially, I can’t wait until we get back to school after more than 9 months of homeschooling. It was difficult coping with the Lockdown in Kathmandu because the only way I was able to socialize was via social media and video games. These two things drastically improved my spare time after I finished and was confident in what I had learned each day. After school, I was also able to enjoy my hobbies like football, video games and examining minimalistic info graphs accompanied by dazzling bold texts. I think that comfortably understanding and being able to complete all the tasks set by teachers is a crucial factor in mastering the topics that we learned about. Making sure that we find time to do what we enjoy after a day of hard work has helped me a lot, and I encourage my fellow students to do the same.
By this time next week, we will have welcomed a number of students back onto campus. Something I am sure we have all eagerly anticipated! Until then, I wish you a lovely weekend.