Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
The school staff are currently very busy preparing for our Community Conference tomorrow. We have invited teachers from across our community partner schools and will be delivering a range of workshops on topics such as Assessment for Learning, Differentiation, Maths In The Real World and Growth Mindset. We are incredibly lucky to have talented staff members who can share their skills across the wider community and support fellow teachers from beyond TBS through their knowledge and training in specialised areas of expertise.
Please note that our overseas bank account will be changing for next academic year. We will be sharing the new details with you before the end of term.
From today, adults and older students can look out for Macbeth Massacre. Performances run most days from 19th to 28th May starting at 5.30pm sharp at Mandala Theatre in Thapagaun. A number of our students are performing in this production and I am sure they would appreciate your support.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend!
Kind regards,