Our students have had a fantastic start to another exciting term, and we have been excited to see their enthusiasm for learning.
In Early Years, our young learners have had some special storytellers in school – their parents! As part of our International Week celebrations, we have listened to traditional stories read by parents in Hindi, Spanish and Nepali. They also made a map showing all the countries we are from and an aeroplane to fly to all the countries represented during International Day on Saturday!

Year 1 have been developing their team work alongside their scientific investigation skills. They conducted a simple investigation for their Entry Point to a new topic ‘Freeze it! Some animals from their classroom were frozen after the holiday. Children devised a rescue plan to melt the animals out of the water.

Year 2 had an electrifying start to their new IPC topic ‘It’s shocking’, with their Entry Point of conducting static electricity experiments. They developed their scientific understanding and process skills through independent inquiry.
This is also linked to their English where they are learning about information texts and exploring the differences between fact and fiction.
In Year 3, we have been learning about the beliefs of the Ancient Egyptian afterlife. We made our own ‘Book of the Dead’ scrolls to guide us through the afterlife and hope that our hearts are lighter than Maat’s feather!

Year 4 students have been busy and buzzing this week in preparation for International Day. They are collaborating in focus groups to become experts on the countries of Thailand and Vietnam. We are excited to present all we have learned this week to the rest of the school on Saturday.

Year 5 have had a busy first week back rehearsing and making props for their PAWS production.
Mike Teavee is a main character in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He is the fourth Golden Ticket winner and the fourth and final child to be eliminated from the factory tour.
The students have used their DT skills and paid great attention to detail to create our Mike Teavee puppets.

This term Year 6 have been studying Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We recently wrote newspaper reports of one of the major events in the story. The students have thoroughly enjoyed the story and the tasks we have completed alongside it.

Year 6 have now finished reading their class book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and spent some time this week reflecting on their opinions of the story as well as the moral of the book. They gathered their ideas and opinions to create detailed book reviews to help other children in the school make informed decisions about whether they would like to read this novel too. These will be on display in the Library for all TBS students to read and enjoy!

Today Year 6 were very fortunate to take part in a workshop with Andrea and Giacomo, two Space Scientists from Italy. They showed the children the rockets that they helped create and launch into space, taught them about Newton’s Third Law and then worked with the children to build their own rockets which they launched in the TBS playground. The children were engaged throughout, participated beautifully, and learnt a lot – thank you Andrea and Giacomo, and thank you to Ms Griffin who organised their visit.