Assembly celebrations
This week we celebrated the success of the students who took part in the World Scholar’s Cup event last term. Hosted by our champion scholar Anuricca (Y13), she interviewed Melissa (Y12), Nikhil (Y9), Shayaan (Y9), Shah Zain (Y8), Khushi (Y7) about what they learnt from the different sections of the World Scholar’s Challenge. The assembly finished with the presentation of certificates from the competition which students added to their already impressive collective of medals. The World Scholar’s students are preparing for the Global Round in Kuala Lumpur and also planning to host a TBS Scholars event in June for all of Year 7 & 8. Thank you to parents who supported this assembly. At next week’s assembly, students are presenting from their recent trip to the LEAP women in leadership trip to Rwanda as well as the opening of the community partner school in Dhading, rebuilt with support form the whole TBS community. Parents are warmly invited to attend this assembly next Tuesday at 0815 in the hall.
We had our best ever turnout for a Parent/Carer Information Session on Thursday with over 70 parents attending Ms William’s presentation on “supporting your child during the exam season” . Whilst details for the Year 11-13 exams have already been shared, we will be sharing both exam preparation information and the exam timetable for the end of year exams in the next couple of weeks.
Art Exams
Our art students have been working hard all week on their art exams. Since they are live exam pieces we are unable to share any images on this occasion, but we are so impressed with the creativity of our students and look forward to being able to display the work later in the year.
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze qualifying expedition
Today, Year 10 students are hiking in Shivapuri National Park on the first day of their today day self supporting Duke of Edinburgh Bronze qualifying expedition. We wish them well and look forward to hearing how they get on.
Year 11 Work Experience
In the penultimate week of term, after IGCSE exams have finished, Year 11 will be taking part in their work experience week. Thank you to all parents who have offered work placements to students for this week. If you feel you may be able to host a TBS student for a work experience placement in 2025 please do contact me ( at school to discuss this further. We are always looking to broaden the opportunities that are available to our students and rely on the generosity and support from the whole TBS community to give our children the best experiences we can. Year 11 parents, please be aware that study leave finishes on Friday 14th June and that all Year 11 students are expected to attend both Bridging and Enrichment week before enjoying the start of the summer holiday with the rest of the school on Friday 28 June.